SportBox can be used by all MultiSport users that have active employee or accompanying card (hereinafter: user or MultiSport card user or MultiSport user). Users of MultiSport test cards cannot use SportBox.
MultiSport card is non-transferable. Only the user in whose name and surname a MultiSport card is issued and who has successfully reserved an training session for SportBox can use the service in the reserved training session.
A person who is not a MultiSport card user and who has not booked an training session and registered their arrival when entering the SportBox must not be in the SportBox.
MultiSport user can use the service in SportBox only in a pre-booked training session.
Training session can only be booked through the website. MultiSport user first selects the SportBox in which he wants to book an training session. When reserving an training session, the user must correctly enter the information from his MultiSport card (name, surname and MultiSport card number) and the correct e-mail address and mobile phone number.
MultiSport users who want to use SportBox when reserving a training will have to unconditionally accept the Terms of Use. Users who for any reason do not want to accept the Terms of Use will not be able to book a training, and thus will not be able to use the SportBox.
A maximum of two MultiSport users can book and use SportBox at the same time. If SportBox was booked by two MultiSport users, before entering the SportBox both users must register their visit with their MultiSport card. If two users came to SportBox, but only one user registred arrival by inserting the card into the card reader, the second user violates the rules of using SportBox.
If the user is not able to come to the booked training session, he is obliged to cancel the reservation no later than 3 hours before the start of the reserved training session via link he has received at the email in the booking reservation confirmation.
If MultiSport user does not cancel his reservation on time or does not register his arrival with his MultiSport card when entering the SportBox, the service will still be considered as completed. The service performed on the day of booking the training session prevents the use of the MultiSport service in all other sports facilities MultiSport Partners network.
If the user booked a SportBox traning session and did not show up and/or did not register a visit to the SportBox with his MultiSport card two times in a row, for the next booking attempt he will receive a notification informing him that he has booked a new training session for the SportBox and failed to register his arrival with his MultiSport card for two previous training sessions, and if he does not register his arrival again with his MultiSport card or does not cancel his reservation due to the inability to arrive up to 3 hours before the start of the training session, the reservation system for all SportBoxes will be disabled for the next 15 days for such user due to limited capacity and Terms of use.
If the user ignores the previous warning and does not show up or register his visit with the MultiSport card third time, he will be blocked, i.e., unable to make a reservation for any of the available SportBoxes for the next 15 days. If the user tries to book a training session in the SportBox during the blocking period, he will receive a notification informing him that he is unable to book an training session for the SportBox with the date until the block is active due to a violation of the Terms of Use.
There is no option to reserve a SportBox exclusively for one MultiSport user. SportBox enables booking for two users in one training session. If SportBox was booked only by one MultiSport user, until the start of the booked training session, another MultiSport user can book the same training session, which means that in SportBox at the same time can be two MultiSport users who do not know each other.
To enter SportBox user must register his/her active type of MultiSport card on appropriate device next to the SportBox door:
Entry to the SportBox is only possible from the full hour of the reserved training session. Being late shortens the time for training. The use of SportBox is limited to 50 minutes. The user is obliged to leave at least 10 minutes before the next full hour, since the SportBox automatically starts the system for air exchange and space disinfection.
MultiSport user is obliged to hold to the reserved training session and the opening hours of the SportBox. Benefit Systems Ltd has the right to change the working hours of SportBox. Any change in working hours will be published on the website: sport-box.hr
MultiSport users can use one activity per day in the sport facility in MultiSport Partners network. If the user used the service in SportBox, on that day he cannot use the service in any other SportBox or in any other sports facility located in the MultiSport Partners network and vice versa.
Using, training and staying in SportBox is on your own responsibility. Benefit Systems Ltd is not responsible for any damage and/or injury caused to the MultiSport user when using the SportBox.
When leaving the SportBox, the MultiSport user is obliged to take all his personal belongings with him. Benefit Systems Ltd is not responsible for personal items left inside the SportBox and is not responsible for their loss or theft.
After using SportBox, the user is obliged to put all used props in their places, disinfect the used equipment and leave the SportBox clean and tidy.
When using the service, the user is obliged to behave politely and respectfully and must not disturb another MultiSport user with whom he may be using SportBox.
Vandalism, intimate relationships, food, alcohol, smoking, drugs and illegal preparations, animals, transport vehicles and every other inappropriate actions are strictly prohibited in SportBox and are subject to sanctions and reporting to the competent authorities and informing the employer about inappropriate behavior and violation terms of rules for using SportBox.
The SportBox area is under video surveillance. In the case of committing illegal acts, the perpetrators will be prosecuted and answer for any resulting damage.
MultiSport users are obliged to comply with the terms of conditions of SportBox. If user violates the stated terms of use, an employee of Benefit Systems d.o.o. who determines such a violation through video surveillance, can make a call to such user during the use of SportBox or later and warn him that violation of terms of use has been observed and warn him to refrain from violating the terms in the future. For this purpose, MultiSport card users are required to enter their mobile phone number while booking an training session for SportBox.
If user continues to violate the terms of use after the warning or it is a more serious violation of the terms of use, Benefit Systems d.o.o. has the right to block the user's MultiSport card and immediately suspend such user's membership in the MultiSport Program.
If it is not possible to use SportBox due to technical or other difficulties, users will be informed via e-mail or mobile phone about the cancellation of the reservation and/or the impossibility of using the SportBox service.